IT for HR

Raise organizational efficiency with the right HR-software.

The future of HR cannot be imagined without looking at the increasing role of technology. HR’s ongoing shift to a strategic organizational function means that HR-software does not only need to increase productivity in HR itself. It is essential to tie it in with the overall IT-landscape and employee expectations.

The cross-functional influence of HR-tech solutions will only expand. Any digital HR-tool needs to accurately organize data and communicate with other systems, provide leadership with insights, and contribute to a positive employee experience.

Everything about HR-software is therefore a matter of organizational wellbeing. Optimize your HR-technology with the business in mind to create greater productivity.

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HR-IT Strategy

The role of technology in HR is increasing with HR’s growing influence on business success. The choice for any HR-software must be taken in the light of productivity in HR itself and simultaneously consider the impact on leadership capabilities, employee experience and overall IT-landscape.

The prerequisite for successful deployment is an HR-IT strategy and HR-IT operating model that aligns any technology solution with your organizational goals and with your HR-processes and roles. Only then you will be able to maximize the investment. We will make sure that you can achieve the best outcome. With a resilient, flexible, and future-proof HR solution architecture that accurately manages the many moving parts of HR responsibilities and adds value throughout your organization.

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HR-Technology Sourcing: Buy or Make

Deciding for the best digital HR solution starts with open discovery: Assess your business needs, current systems, gather employee preferences, understand newest technology trends, and from there define functional requirements.

Only then you should start looking into vendors and evaluate their offers, including a cost/benefit-analysis for different technology options, and not forgetting about implementation, integration, and maintenance, Sometimes, the best solution might be building parts yourself to optimize your entire landscape. We are solution-independent experts offering both supports to navigate the options and the sourcing process and the development of custom solutions if necessary.

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HR-Technology Design: Build and Run

The goal is to enhance HR-operations and do so with an optimized investment. At times, there might be no solution in the market which checks all your boxes. Think about the typical decision between integrated HR-solutions (such as Workday or SuccessFactors) and individual applications built around a common data core. Or a legacy system that needs to be connected to a new employee self-service app. The result of the sourcing process might be that the best option is to build part of the solution yourself or have a third-party running it.

We manage your implementation process to make sure it runs smoothly and efficiently as part of your entire application architecture, fulfilling all security requirements. Or we design, build, and operate customized solutions or global data hubs.

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Project & Program Management

A far too great number of IT-projects exceed their timelines, budgets, and fail to achieve the desired objectives. This can be solved with a comprehensive project or program management. It should cover all stakeholders and every step of the journey: Definition of measurable objectives, analyzing risks, assuring the necessary resources, setting a realistic timeline, and implementation accompanied by extensive communication, and careful change management.

We have the capabilities and experience to support your organization throughout the entire process and make your IT-transformation project deliver on your objectives.

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Digital HR Transformation

HR-Technology solutions that your people want to work with.