Digital HR Transformation

Reinvent HR to reinvent how your organization works

The role of HR keeps changing. From a rather administrational unit into one of the most dynamic and critical functions for business success. Driven by digital technologies changing how we work, a nudge from the pandemic, and developing employee demands.

The primary enabler for progress is not finding the right technologies. It’s how your people make use of technology. The change is about people and HR is in the privileged position to contribute reinventing how the entire organization works.

HR needs to start with itself along the four dimensions of digital transformation in HR to cover the full scope: redesigning processes, taking advantage of data analytics, improving stakeholder experience, and enabling new ways of working. This turns HR into a companywide enabler of your people’s engagement, ingenuity, and productivity. We help you lead the way.

Business people working in the office

HR Strategy

HR’s playing field became wider but also opaquer with a myriad of influencing factors on technologies, policies, talent, skills, or workforce planning. HR leaders need a robust strategy to inform their many decisions.

We help designing and implementing your HR strategy – based firmly on the larger organizational goals: Setting a unified direction, increasing the value HR brings to business success, taking quicker and better decisions in all key-areas, and allowing for a regular review without having to do a complete overhaul.

Digital tools are the strategic goalposts of your value creation and deserve a special focus. They drive HR’s speed and productivity, shape the employee experience, and create a halo-effect on your organization’s culture. We support you in building an HR-strategy with digital at its core that serves as a blueprint for the entire digital HR transformation agenda.

Five consultants sitting aroiunf a white table. One person standing, presenting a slide shown on the wall.

Target Operating Model

Is the traditional HR operating model still fit to meet tomorrow’s demands? Does HR keep up with the pace of change in your Business and assures that critical capacities are available?

The connector between HR and your business outcomes is the Target Operating Model. It merges the value chain of all your functions with the people, their skills and roles, the governance model, partnerships, and service delivery.

A careful design of your TOM enables HR to speed up operations and free capacity to focus on the moments that matter for a truly outstanding employee experience. It’s the catalyzer for transitioning the workforce to a more agile, self-determined future.

Out comes HR as a strategic engine to develop your workforce. An HR function that is efficient, flexible, automated where possible, and more human where necessary. What do you want HR to achieve tomorrow?

Business People Working in The Office

Employee Experience

As much as customer experience is the cornerstone to stay relevant in the market, your employee experience is the cornerstone to stay competitive. It is the catalyst to strengthen purpose, drive engagement, retain talent, improve productivity, and energize people to learn new skills.

But your focus has already been firmly on your people. How to improve? Use design-thinking to explore how your workforce perceives their employee journey and redesign the moments that matter. Connect all initiatives to strategic goals, digitize and measure them. Create the same top-notch user-experience with workforce-tools that your people have with consumer apps.

But key moments will always need personal interaction. We assure a holistic approach to capture all drivers, truly integrate your people, and make them effortlessly comfortable to do their best at work.

Group of four people sitting on a sofa, discussing jointly and concentrated. Laptop on the table.

HR Sourcing & Outsourcing

When HR-tasks grow in complexity, simplify your ways of working. You’ll find opportunities in your choice of software, with the service-providers you are choosing, and with internal/ external service centers.

Among all the sourcing options you have, none frees you from delivering on your business objectives, and keep on providing an outstanding employee experience. Nuanced thinking is key to tie in software and service providers with your processes and systems. I.e., SaaS creates benefit only if it plays well with other software.

External sourcing remains a crucial tool to achieve excellency in HR. You can focus on core competencies, bring external expertise into the organization, and save costs. But it can also be advantageous to bring tasks back into your team: Control over employee self-services enables you to better manage the employee experience and securely gather data.

We help you identify the best sourcing options, select vendors, implement systems, and connect it to your strategy.

Business People Working in The Office

HR Automation

The design of your HR Target Operating Model determines which tasks HR must deliver. As soon as you know what you must do, the first step of how to do it is automating repetitive, time-consuming tasks.

Software enables you to create more output with less human intervention. It frees up time to focus on your people to create greater value for the organization. This is crucial because HR’s main task is driving value from talent. To do so, you need bandwidth and credibility.

The bandwidth comes from automating or outsourcing tasks. The credibility comes from doing it well. Smoothly running, digital services are based on data insights. Just as business data is essential for building and selling products, HR data is vital for developing an impactful workforce. We make sure that your HR automation spans HR TOM, systems integration, employee experience, and people analytics.

Creative people working at startup

Organizational Change Management

Change is constant and everywhere. It’s not linear, it happens dynamically, and creates complexity. But it doesn’t mean that you should avoid it. On the contrary, change is a powerful ally for your business if you know how to use it to your advantage. Then it becomes transformation.

This is specifically valid for HR, often being in the role of the facilitator to implement changes originating from anywhere in the organization. HR’s success in unlocking the potential of change is vital to elevate companywide performance.

We help HR leaders and HR teams to prepare periods of transition, develop a plan to execute, manage the logistics, and continuously measure the results. We use behavioral science, data analytics, and targeted enablement. We listen to all stakeholders, align interest, and activate people. Because change is being made by people and no matter how well you prepare the process, it will always change.

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Workforce Transformation

Leave no blind spots in your Digital HR Transformation.